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Eat With Me: WITH  Charly Sturm

Eat With Me: WITH Charly Sturm

By Team Sturm

1st Aug 2024

When do you usually wake up in the morning? Can you tell us a little about your routine?

I am such a morning person; my entire life I was never really the one to sleep in. I usually wake up around 7 AM, try to stay off my phone and do a short five to ten minute meditation (I rarely succeed) and I drink a lot of water before I do anything else. Then I make myself some hot water with lemon as well as my favorite oat milk latte, which I drink while checking my emails and doing work calls. My morning routine is sacred to me. 

Do you eat breakfast? If so, what is your go-to?

I usually start with just my coffee and then have breakfast if I am hungry. I love a good Bircher muesli with fresh, local fruit in the morning or I pick up a chia yogurt from Kreation in LA. The best thing for my stomach and wellbeing I’ve noticed though is if I start the day with a simple oatmeal, which is something I learned at the Viva Mayr clinic in Austria. Overall, I love a sweet breakfast.

What is your favorite everyday easy, healthy lunch?

It depends on where I am but if I am home, definitely a yummy salad with fresh, local ingredients. I like to keep it simple and quick for lunch, so I usually just take some fresh arugula, avocado, cherry tomatoes, roasted pine nuts if I have time and then dress it with salt, olive oil, lemon, and creamy balsamic vinegar. I also love adding some thinly grated parmesan cheese to that salad and have a slice of toast with it. It’s simple, healthy, and delicious. 

fresh avocado salads BY CHARLY STURM

Are you mindful about where and how you shop for produce?

I try to be, not only because I truly taste the difference but also since I am trying to be mindful of pesticides and generally harmful ingredients. Every Sunday there is a cute farmers market close to my apartment in LA which I love going to and then I am usually sorted for the week. 

Do you snack throughout the day? If so, what are your favorites?

I am not a big snacker but I do love some dark chocolate here and there or a good, crunchy apple. But if there snacks around (especially sweet ones) I will likely try them. 

Your ideal dinner?

If I am trying to be healthy my ideal dinner would most likely be a fresh piece of fish which I prepare in the oven, with a teriyaki sauce, lots of different vegetables and some quinoa or rice. I also love a good Thai curry for dinner – my ultimate comfort food. If I go to eat out, my favorite is Japanese or Asian fusion although I try to be mindful of the mercury in fish. 

teriyaki salmon BY CHARLY STURM

What about dessert? Do you have a sweet tooth?

100%. Anyone who remotely knows me knows that I cannot resist a good dessert. I don’t really like candy but a great dessert like a good tarte tatin, tiramisu or fruit crumble is always a yes for me. I also love ice cream. Most desserts are a yes for me. I also love making them, baking is a passion of mine.

lava cake with vanilla ice cream and tiramisu dessert BY CHARLY STURM

Do you have a favorite cocktail / mocktail or drink?

I love a nice glass of wine with dinner, red or white depending on my mood, and if I am going out my drink of choice is usually a margarita, sometimes with a little bit of spice. 

Charlys favorite sweet treat


Team Sturm


21 September 2021